Open A Document

This opens a document. Beside this button there is a small trangle. If you click on this, there will be a menu that comes down, this is a list of the last four documents you opened with Steno Pad 2. You can select to open any of these, or click on the main part of the button.

The button looks like the button that is circled in the following picture.

If you click on the main part of the button, a dialog will come up that looks like the following.

If you wish to open one of the files that you can see in the file list bos in the center, you can click on that file and then click on Open, otherwise you can click navigate through your hard drive or disk drives by clicking on folders and using the drop down that says Look In beside it. Once you have found the file that you wish to open, click on Open.

If you wish to open a different type of file (an rtf or txt file) click on the drow down that says Steno Pad 2 Files (*.spd) initially and select the type of file that you wish to open, then find the file that you wish to open and click Open.